December 12, 2019

Hoops in the park

A drawing from a rare sunny day in December.

May 29, 2018

Things You Stop Seeing

This Winter I had the opportunity to mount a solo show at 1888 Center. 1888 is a hub for local arts and literature in as well as a publisher of short form fiction and producer of podcasts, workshops and much more. I was invited to show some work in conjunction with the release of a new novella "And Then, This" by Kevin Staniec.
For years I've taken a sketch book with me any time I travel and the act of sketching  has always helped me get acclimated in a new place and commit details to memory. I had been doing a lot of these sketches since moving to LA from St. Louis a few months earlier. Because Kevin's novella deals heavily with themes of restlessness and the experience of feeling out of place in a new environment I thought it made sense to dive deeper into my own experience of looking at LA as a newcomer. I started turning some of my sketches into more developed paintings with the idea of focusing on subjective memories of place. In the end I made eight paintings in acrylic on wood panel and called the show "Things you stop seeing" in a nod to the little details of a place that catch your eye as a newcomer and then slowly fade into the background.



All content © 2020 Noah MacMillan unless otherwise noted